At the beginning of fall 2016, I was visited by a customer who, according to her, was at her wits' end. Her baby, who was born 5 months ago, has practically not slept through the night since birth. Both she and her husband are at the end of their tether. Black thoughts creep around her.

My first thought was: the baby's crib is on a disturbance zone. It would probably be a good idea to move the baby's crib into the parents' bedroom. "That's not possible," she replied. "Our bedroom is too small. Don't you have anything that could help us?"

"Perhaps. Maybe this could help you" ... pointing to the rainbow igloos on display near the front door. "Why don't you try this; place an igloo of your choice between the mattress and the slatted frame in the crib, at head height. This little object has already helped many parents and babies".

As I knew this customer very well (she completed a pendulum course with me a good 14 years ago), I suggested that she try out the igloo for a few days free of charge. She had intuitively decided on a purple and gold rainbow igloo. Good choice (I thought to myself).

Two weeks later (if I remember correctly) she visited me unexpectedly with a huge bunch of flowers (sunflowers) and a big smile. "I don't know how to thank you. I really don't. You saved our lives (hmmm, typical Suisse Romande exaggeration). It didn't take two nights for the glittering stone to take effect. I no longer knew what it felt like to sleep deeply and well. With sparkling and shining eyes, she gave me a firm kiss on the cheek and hugged me warmly. Oops, oops ;-) I didn't have the heart to tell her that I was sorry for the cut flowers ... and so I offered them to another customer at closing time.

In the meantime, she has become a mother for the second time and has stocked up on another igloo as a precaution. As she was leaving my store, a new customer happened to come in with a bright red baby carriage and asked if I had "something" that would help her sleep better. It wasn't for her, but for her baby. It practically never sleeps at night.

"Hmm, maybe you should change the current baby carriage for another one. The color red hardly helps to promote peaceful sleep. And I hope you haven't chosen red, yellow or orange for the crib in your home ... and that you don't dress the little princess in pyjamas in these colors. Please choose cream-colored bed linen with a few purple spots!

And, if you have any sleep problems, you can turn to her (pointing to my friend). She knows what might be good for you." After a lively discussion, two happy mothers left the Papillon Bleu ;-)

>• select an indigo/gold Rainbow-Igloo in our WEB-Shop

>• select an yellow/green Rainbow-Igloo in our WEB-Shop