In the summer of 1951, two people with a thirst for knowledge undertook what was at the time a strange and daring experiment.

They took up the work of the Californian physician Dr. Albert Abrams, who taught pathology at Stanford University Medical School and developed the famous "Abrams Box".

Curtis P. Upton, who was educated as an engineer in Princeton and whose father had worked with Thomas Alva Edison, and William J. Knuth, an expert in electronics, could not get away from the idea of the "oscilloclast", as the Abrams box was also called. This device was in fact able to heal diseased molecules by means of adjustable wave patterns !

It represented thus a device that could contribute to the well-being of mankind much. The good Abrams unfortunately died in 1924 and the agitation fueled by his professional "colleagues" continued after his death.

Upton and Knuth wondered if this device could also be applied to pest control in the fields. So, for study purposes, they drove to the cottonwood fields of the 12000-acre Cortaro-Marana area near Tucson, Arizona. Once there, they got out of their vehicle with a mysterious device. The device was about the size of a portable transistor radio and was equipped with a dial dial and a rod antenna. Their idea was to act on the cotton field, but not directly, but with the help of photographs !

To do this, they placed an aerial view of the cotton field on the collector plate, which was attached to the bottom of the device. They also attached an active ingredient that destroys cotton pests to the collector plate. The goal of this experiment was to rid the entire field of pests without having to use chemical insecticides.

The principle of the theory was that the molecular and atomic components of the photograph would vibrate at the same frequencies as the objects they represented in the image. By treating the photograph with the agent, Upton and Knuth believed they could use it to completely immunize the cotton field. You can assume that at that time hardly any scientist could do anything with this theory.

The following fall, Tucson's Weekend Reporter ran a two-page pictorial with the following headline: "Million-Dollar Cotton Speculation Pays Off!"

It went on to say that an electronic pest control device called "Little Moritz" had allowed Cortaro to bring in a 25% higher cotton crop than the national average. After the trials, Cortaro Company President W.S. Nichols also made a written statement that the treated cotton also produced about 20% more seed because the bees were not bothered at all by chemical pesticides.

On the East Coast of the USA, Howard Armstrong, a fellow student of Upton, decided to test this method. After taking an aerial photograph of a cornfield already infested with many pests, he cut a corner from this photograph and placed the remainder on the collector plate of Upton's radionic device and added a small portion of a natural insecticide obtained from the root of an Asian vine.

After several, 5 to 10 minute treatments, a careful pest count was made: It showed that 80% to 90% of the beetles from the corn plants of the treated photo part had died or disappeared. The untreated plants of the cut corner had 100% infestation !!!

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