I received this feedback by email on Monday, May 21, 2018 at 9:52 pm. It came from a young mother who had visited me in my store about 2 weeks earlier and complained about sleeping problems. Since moving house a good 2 months ago, she, her partner and especially her 3-year-old son have practically never slept through the night. She was almost at the end of her tether. "Do you have time to carry out a geobiological examination and harmonization in our home, especially in the bedroom?"

After we made an appointment (the matter was apparently urgent), I went to see her in her apartment on the third floor. It is a building that was built in Montreux in 1900.

She told me again that I should only examine the master bedroom; the energy in the other rooms was good. She had once attended a pendulum seminar ... but could not solve the problem in her bedroom.

When I investigated this room with my rotating rods, the Bio-Tensor and the pendulum, I found what I was looking for: in the bed I found a double Hartmann / Curry crossover ... no water vein(s) and a slight electromagnetic disturbance coming from outside. I was able to harmonize this interference by placing (under the bed) an indigo tachyon sphere.

This family - which is extremely rare - has no WiFi. Using radiesthesia, I discovered that the electrical wiring in the apartment still needs to be repolarized. I solved this problem by placing a tachyonized SiTAC*CARD A6 behind the electricity meter (which is located in the hallway in front of the door).

And, to conclude this brief consultation, I advised her three times to cover the mirror in the bedroom with a cloth (especially during the night) .... ts, ts, ts ... that I have to say this over and over again ;-) Voilà!

And now it's my pleasure to reproduce the original feedback from this customer with her permission:

Bonsoir ! Alors voilà les petites aventures suite à votre passage : (lié ou pas, aucune idée !)

Good evening ! Here are the little experiences on the occasion of your visit (connected or not, I don't know!)

On s’est retrouvé avec une inondation dans la cuisine hier, le lave-linge et lave-vaisselle ayant fait un énorme reflux dans l’évier tout a débordé dans la cuisine, bien sûr en mon absence, et fait peter le siphon en même temps: donc plombier d’urgence hier soir, 1cm d’eau partout.

We ended up with a flood in the kitchen yesterday, as the washing machine and dishwasher had a huge backflow into the sink, causing everything to overflow into the kitchen, of course in my absence, and bursting the siphon at the same time: so emergency plumbing yesterday evening, 1cm of water everywhere.

Et aujourd’hui impossible d’entrer dans l’appartement, j’ai du taper fort sur la porte pour qu’elle s’ouvre. Et le grand miroir du couloir est tombé hier sur notre fils, qui a juste eu très peur mais aucun mal.

And today I couldn't get into the apartment, I had to bang on the door to get it to open. And yesterday the big mirror in the corridor fell on our son, who was just very frightened but not hurt.

Et j’ai vu passer deux ombres dans les couloirs (chose qui ne m’arrive jamais) … et deux voisins partent aujourd’hui.

And I saw two shadows pass in the corridors (something that never happens to me) ... and two neighbors are leaving today.

MAIS: on dort très très bien, je n’ai plus de crampes et on n’a plus eu de dispute depuis votre passage. Je me sens super détendue en plus, plus du tout agressive comme avant.

BUT: we've been sleeping very well, I don't have any cramps and we haven't had any arguments since you've been here. What's more, I feel super relaxed and not at all aggressive like before.

Donc j’en déduis que les mauvais esprits sont un peu vexés de se faire ficher dehors et nous le font savoir :)))

So I guess the evil spirits are a little miffed at being kicked out and are letting us know :)))

Merci en tous cas et bonne semaine à vous !

Thank you in any case and have a great week!

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>• Feedback * Sleep disorders

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