Take the NAΩS*CARD in your left hand and put your left thumb on the symbol.

Then pronounce the following sentence in your mind:

"I demand that the cause of the following problem be harmonized!"

Now think about the problem you would like to solve and then put a glass of water on the NAΩS*CARD.

Drink this informed water regularly over the next few days (weeks) and be surprised by the result.

>• next rubric: Water crystal images of the NAOS*CARD

>• order a NAΩS*CARD in our WEB-Shop

>• Origin of the NAOS products
>• Implementation of the NAOS products
>• Application of the NAOS*CARD
>• Water crystal images of the NAOS*CARD
>• NAOS-Talisman
>• NAOS-Stele
>• Channeling