Tachyons "prefer" natural places. Places where life bursts forth 100%. In big cities there are less; in the desert there are not many. By the seashore, on the other hand, there are many.

Maybe there is a link between negatively polarized ions and Tachyons? Mountain air contains about 10'000 negatively polarized ions per cubic centimeter. In the cities there are only about 500 p/cm2 ... and in an office space (situated in a city) we measure about 20 per cubic centimeter! So it's not surprising that people who work in offices often feel exhausted and unwell.

Even for heart attacks that accumulate especially during a period when the foehn (type of dry, warm, down-slope wind that occurs in the downwind side of a mountain range) is blowing, we offer the right explanation: Air masses from above descend into lower regions where a higher air pressure prevails. These air masses are compressed very quickly and thus heated; this leads to an electrical change into positive polarized ions; which are harmful.

Some (spiritually advanced) clinics integrate this knowledge and avoid difficult and delicate operations when this hot wind blows.

During winter the production of negatively polarized ions is reduced; this is due to a reduction in solar radiation. Tired?

It is possible that a Tachyon is a theoretical particle; against all appearances it exists! Even if many scientists are not yet ready to admit it. It's OK for us ;-)

A Tachyon represents a unit of energy-matter, capable of changing its state hyper-rapidly and practically without transition. Like our thoughts.

In general we can say that a Tachyon acts in principle on three levels:

1) Balance 2) Purification 3) Reinforcement

Tachyons "awaken" the original information of each material and all organisms! This is why tests conducted with water, plants and animals are constantly surprising.

More than 2500 years ago in the Mediterranean Sea, the subject of atoms and, indirectly, tachyons was discussed with great care. Do not forget that the word Tachyon comes from the Greek word "tachytis", which means "speed".

Among cypress and olive trees the two Greek philosophers Democritus and his monitor Leucippus were discussing and reflecting on whether an apple, pear or hair could be cut into smaller and smaller pieces; and this endlessly and unceasingly. They summed up that from a certain moment on a division will no longer be possible: there comes the moment when there will be a tiny piece that could be designated just as hair, pear or apple.

The two philosophers therefore came to the conclusion that every object that can be touched and that all matter consists of tiny particles that are not palpable and not divisible. They baptized this small particle "atomos", which means indivisible. By the way: Democritus knew about the magnetic field that surrounds our planet; without the help of a hyper-modern telescope or microscope or other technical tools. Cool.

Even Empedocles mentions this electromagnetic field in his works.

As Democritus assumed, between atoms there is an "empty space"; and even between the nucleus and the electrons surrounding it there is an empty space. Like between the earth and the moon. These "spaces" are full of energy - they are always "full" of Tachyons.

How big is an atom? Science tells us that the layer of a soap bubble is so thin that it takes a million layers to reach a thickness of one centimeter. In the 19th century the Viennese physicist Loschmidt calculated (by exploring gases) that hydrogen atoms are so tiny, that it takes at least a million of these atoms to reach the same thickness as a spider's thread.

The French physicist Ampere and the Italian physicist Avogadro calculated in the 19th century that one gram of hydrogen contains about 602'000 billion atoms and one gram of air contains about 25 billion molecules. If this is true ...

Today physicists think to know that the size of the largest atoms barely reaches 0.000000005 mm - or 5 billionths of a millimeter: that is 5 Ǻngström.

Hemoglobin, which turns our blood red, is made up of an enormous amount of molecules. Each molecule consists of about 10,000 atoms. Calculate for yourself ... and don't forget:

Tachyons are much smaller!

>• next rubric: Microcosm / Macrocosm