For wonderfully light-filled meditations!

The ATLAS-Sticks were one of the very first tachyon products that I was allowed to receive medially at the end of the 1990s.

Along with the Pentadome (which I no longer offer) and the DNA-Wand, this is a new era of tachyon products that contain properties that were previously unknown. Absolutely brilliant and fantastic! Sorry for the exaggeration ... but based on the many feedbacks I have been receiving for almost 25 years now, this statement is true.

I still describe the ATLAS-Sticks, which I offer in two sizes (120 x 24mm and 120 x 34mm), with a clear conscience as the most exciting product I can offer.

With very few exceptions, everyone is amazed by the effect of these two cylinders. In ancient Egypt, a "similar" object was apparently known as: the Cylinders of the Pharaohs.

The ATLAS-Sticks offer a wide range of possible applications, which I will describe in detail below.

Application for your personal well-being

Make yourself comfortable on a chair (facing south if possible) with your feet on the floor, your back stretched out and an ATLAS-Stick in each hand. Within a short time (sometimes a few seconds) you will feel a tingling sensation in your hands and later perhaps in your whole body or only in certain places.

Tachyon particles (life energy, CHI) flow into your body via the crown chakra, flow down via the spinal cord to the base chakra ... and via the legs down to the feet. Many people describe that they experience a feeling of deep grounding and well-being with the ATLAS-Sticks. The tingling can manifest anywhere on the body or only in areas that "need" balancing. Tachyons "know" exactly where "something" needs to be adjusted ... and automatically flows to the place in the body that "needs" balancing; consciously or unconsciously.

The ATLAS-Sticks are ideal for people who are mediumistic and for all those who want to promote their personal mediumship.

Subtle effect of the "color" crystal

The fact that the ATLAS-Sticks are a crystal-colored tachyon product primarily manifests the attributes that are assigned to this "color". Among other things, this "color" is assigned to the themes of "clarity" and "information". As all other colors of the rainbow spectrum are contained in this color, it holds a comprehensive potential of all possibilities.

We can particularly recommend crystal to people who are looking for a new path and find themselves at an impasse. It helps to free oneself from physical and emotional baggage so that a new beginning can be made. Crystal helps to bring light into the darkness, to clarify thoughts and feelings and to focus on new goals.

PS: You can of course also use the ATLAS-Sticks while lying down ;-)

Removing blockages

The targeted and conscious use of the ATLAS-Sticks can help to release energetic blockages.Interesting for:

>• learning problems
>• mental fatigue
>• mental tension
>• to prepare projects
>• to get good ideas
>• head and neck pain
>• to purify body and mind

They are also suitable ...

>• to balance the chakras
>• to activate the meridian flow
>• to release tension in the neck
>• to balance the two hemispheres of the brain

>• to promote intuition
>• to expand consciousness
>• to activate the "third eye
>• for deep and relaxing meditations
>• for "mental and physical detoxification"

Application during a therapy

One way of using the ATLAS-Sticks during therapy is as follows:

The patient (in a sitting position) takes an ATLAS-Stick in his/her left hand, clasps it with his/her other hand and then gently brings both hands to his/her body at heart level.

The therapist takes the other ATLAS-Stick in both hands and gently touches the patient's neck (Feng-Fu point) with one end. The patient can now concentrate mentally or verbally on their issue; the therapist guides him/her. The results that this "ritual" brings to light are often of great benefit to both parties involved. Let yourself be surprised!

Another interesting application is to use an ATLAS-Stick as an "eraser". While the patient is resting on the massage table, he can hold one ATLAS-Stick in front of his heart. The therapist uses the other ATLAS-Stick (with light circular movements) on the area(s) to be treated energetically. Direct contact with the skin is not necessary; the treatment can easily be carried out over the area (through clothing).

In the field of "kinesiology" or "touch for health", ATLAS-Sticks are ideal for activating energy-depleted meridians. They can also be used to harmonize excess energy. This tachyon product is a wonderful aid for people involved in meridian work.

Handcrafted production

The ATLAS-Sticks - like all other energetic BIOTAC LINE© products - are carefully made by hand by employees of a renowned glassworks in Bavaria and then tachyonized using the process I have developed.

>• order a pair of ATLAS-Sticks in our WEB-Shop

>• back to the main category Meditation

>• ATLAS-Sticks
>• ANIGMA-Cylinders
>• SiLICA-Hemisphere
>• Tachyon-Spheres
>• I AM - Time capsule

>• Aura-Soma * Colour Esssences
>• Aura-Soma * Quintessences

>• BioGenesis * BioTranslator