I recommend you (of course only if you are currently affected by having a little trouble with the dear money) to transfer the affirmations with your favorite ballpoint pen or your favorite fountain pen on a nice sheet of paper and then hang up this sheet -for you well visible-. Or maybe even integrate it into a nice frame. Just do what brings you personal joy ... even if you spend it "only" to plant trees ;-))

So that you can anchor the following affirmations really deeply in you, I recommend you to connect them with the tapping points No. 1 to 8.

Here now the "tapping instructions" ... MUCH fun and success ;-)

1) Gently tap the inside of the eyebrow a few times, once clearly saying the affirmation "I am grateful for the money I have.

2) Then gently tap a few times on the outside of the eyebrow, saying once clearly the affirmation, "I am ready to accept money."

3) Then gently tap a few times under the eye, saying once clearly the affirmation "New sources of money are opening for me".

4) Then gently tap a few times under the nose by clearly saying once the affirmation "Money from known and unknown sources is flowing to me."

5) Then gently tap a few times above the chin by clearly saying once the affirmation "I am grateful that I can fulfill my desires."

6) Then gently tap a few times on the collarbone, saying once clearly the affirmation "Wealth and prosperity are my birthright."

7) Then gently tap a few times below the nipple, saying once clearly the affirmation "I find unexpected treasures."

8) Then gently tap a few times under the arm, saying once clearly the affirmation "Everything I need I attract with ease".

9) Now conclude this exercise by gently tapping on the top of your head with the fingertips of both hands a final phrase: "I love and accept myself fully as I am and look forward to integrating all affirmations into my life" ;-)

It goes without saying that you have absolute freedom in terms of words and affirmations. So again: MUCH fun and success ;-)

More affirmations regarding the dear money ;-)

>• I am grateful for the money I have
>• I am ready to accept money
>• new sources of money open up for me
>• money from known and unknown sources flows to me
>• I am grateful that I can fulfill my wishes
>• wealth and prosperity are my birthright
>• I find unexpected treasures
>• everything I need I attract with ease

>• there is always more than enough for me
>• I attract money magically
>• I completely enjoy living in material abundance
>• I love money
>• gifts are on their way to me
>• everything I love comes to me easily and freely
>• I open myself to large amounts of money
>• I am worthy to experience wealth and prosperity

>• my projects are very successful
>• I open myself to financial abundance
>• it is always very well taken care of for me
>• there is enough for me and everyone else
>• I get appreciation for my work
>• wealth and prosperity are my birthright
>• money makes me happy and healthy
>• money is magnetically attracted to me

>• Love is the most important thing in the world. Fortunately I love money ;-)
>• Love determines the attraction
>• I am ready and willing to receive extraordinary wealth
>• I make important contributions with goodwill
>• I receive appreciation for my work
>• I am worthy to experience wealth and prosperity
>• I am full of joy when I think of my wealth
>• I love myself and I love life

>• back to the category EFT