Desire for more joie de vivre ?

In the implementation of the SOLAR*RAY we have incorporated various information from holistic medicine.

Let's start with the color scheme:

Yellow is the color of joy of life. This color helps people who suffer from constant stress, anxiety and insecurity and lack of self-confidence. These conditions often cause nervousness and attack the stomach, pancreas and metabolism.

Yellow promotes optimism and is very helpful in the treatment of most types of headaches. In addition, this color is interesting in the case of dyslexia, diabetes, phobias, anorexia, bulimia and skin conditions of all kinds.

The energy spectrum of the SOLAR*RAY has an indirect relation to the yellow-colored flowers of the following Bach flowers:

Gorse * The flower of hope

Gorse reawakens in one the hope and belief in improvement. Affected people change their basic attitude and slowly become more life-affirming and optimistic again and get the necessary strength to overcome difficulties and the courage to face conflicts.

This flower essence can help to develop a different perspective on one's life situation. It enables to see the positive even in apparently bad circumstances.

Mimulus * The bravery flower

For those who are afraid of mundane, determinable things, pain, illness, poverty, darkness, being alone, misfortune and accidents. Mimulus is also the flower for fears of concrete things, such as: Fear of dogs, spiders or mice; fear of flying; fear of thunderstorms; fear of certain or new situations; fear of losing friends; stage fright; fear of being alone, etc. These are fears of everyday life.

Mimulus promotes the ability to face new situations and challenges. One meets difficulties, challenges of life with more courage and serenity. One develops confidence and trust. Thus, one grows beyond one's own fears and anxieties and recognizes their relativity.

Mustard * The Light Flower

For those who are at times melancholy or even despairing, as if a cold, dark cloud overshadows them, hiding the light and joy of life from them. It seems impossible to find a reason or explanation for these moods. Under these circumstances it is almost impossible to be happy or cheerful. Flowering takes away their sadness and leads them to a brighter life. People who need Mustard are introverts.

Mustard brings joy and light back into life after a period of deep dejection and despair. It reduces depressive mood, such as moodiness, pessimism, listlessness, joylessness and grumpiness.

Rock-Rose * The escalation flower

The remedy is for emergencies and also for cases where it even seems hopeless. In case of accidents or sudden illness, when the patient is very frightened or his condition is so serious that all others present become frightened as well. Even when the patient is not conscious, his lips can be moistened with this remedy.

The remedy helps one to regain balance, one becomes calmer, calmer and more alert. One calms down again and gets a clearer view of the situation. One develops courage and steadfastness to cope with the situation. One is thereby enabled to rise above oneself in exceptional situations and crises.


The spiral, which is inside the SOLAR*RAY, manifests a dynamic that moves both inward and outward. It conveys balance to the physical body and, through the chosen color, a clearly defined additional effect. The points at the end of the spiral built on the Fibonacci sequence represent our feet, hands and head and have a direct relationship with the 5 elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

So, if you think that the mentioned statements apply to your current situation and you are looking for more joy in life, this pendant could be the right choice.

Furthermore, the SOLAR*RAY has a direct relation to astrology; i.e. that it promotes the positive aspects of the zodiac signs assigned to this color. Yellow is assigned in astrology to the zodiac signs of Pisces, Leo and Sagittarius.

Pisces-born people have a strong sense of justice. Since they strive for bliss and fulfillment in everything, they usually have an abundant and deep inner life. Pisces people want peace and do not want to be anyone's enemy. Generally speaking, Pisces are very lovable. No person can be so loving and be as enchanting and gentle as Pisces people.

Leo radiates strength, joie de vivre, courage and warmth. He can be a bringer of light (the Sun is his planet) and flood his environment with his warmth of heart. He is characterized by his creative power and can shine with top performances. Leo loves independence.

Sagittarius is life-affirming and pursues once set goals with much vigor. Great will for freedom and high idealism distinguish this sign of the zodiac. Sagittarians are often incorrigible optimists, benevolent, philanthropic and -not only in the spiritual sense- explorers and travelers.

Material: pure crystalline silicon, individually made by hand
Size: Ø 30mm, approx. 9mm thick

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