For single or multi-family homes

The tachyonized AQUAFLOW glass fibre tape is wrapped directly around the cold water pipe at the main inlet pipe and secured with the cable ties supplied.Depending on the pipe diameter, the tape requires a pipe length of 40 cm to 60 cm when wound up.

Installation takes just a few moments. The tape can be removed just as quickly and easily when moving.

In addition to revitalized drinking water in the kitchen, you also benefit from revitalized water when bathing and showering with this inexpensive system.

In addition, the water in the tap for the garden is also revitalized, which benefits the plants. As the water is also often much softer, all connected appliances and machines are protected.

Further advantages:

>• less washing powder for washing clothes
>• easier cleaning of bathroom and kitchen appliances
>• less regenerating salt for dishwashers

Thanks to the structural chemical change in the water using tachyon energy, it has been repeatedly observed that annoying limescale deposits are significantly reduced.

The evaluations of the large-scale study by the Hagalis AG research laboratory, in which over 300 water revitalization systems were tested over a period of nine years, showed that our AQUAFLOW system with the AQUIVATOR achieved the top marks in terms of quality / efficiency / price and economy!

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Da die vitalisierende und erfrischende Wirkung des AQUAFLOW-System erfahrungsgemäß über 20 Jahre anhält, kannst Du (und Deine Familie) viele Jahre lang von erfrischendem und belebtem Wasser profitieren. Ich biete Dir eine 10-jährige Funktionsgarantie: ab dem Kaufdatum.

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