Since the winter of 2006/2007, the eerie phenomenon known by researchers as CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) has been rampant: the collapse of many bee colonies. Similar colony losses have been observed in practically all regions of the northern hemisphere, but nowhere are they as devastating as in the USA. The majority of beekeepers report that the affected hives are as desolate as ghost towns.

The bees have left without leaving a trace. It seems as if they have fled from something. This enormous problem threatens to ruin practically all beekeepers. And if it continues, beekeepers' associations fear that this could even lead to a global crisis: After all, no single insect is more important to the national economy than the honey bee.

No agriculture without bees!

Every third bite of food that a North American eats is thanks to the industriousness of the Apis mellifera. Apples, pears, cucumbers, cherries, pumpkins, but also livestock feed such as soybeans and white clover: none of this would be so plentiful without bees. Since time immemorial, flowering plants have attracted bees with their nutritious nectar, which is collected by the bees and processed into honey in their hives.

Beekeepers who look after their hives near urban areas are at a loss and stand bewildered in front of their beehives. The reason for this is that they have to watch as their "intoxicated" bees can no longer find their own hives and disappear into the darkness sometime after sunset.

If the colony now lacks the experienced old bees, the immune strength of the colony drops very quickly: the parasites, some of which are in the hives, then ensure the rapid spread of various pathogens in no time at all thanks to their superior numbers. The young bees, which are completely distressed and stressed, leave the hives in a panic. And, without the protection of your hive system, they die within a short time.

There is no doubt that genetically modified plants, toxic pesticides and Varroa infestation are affecting bees. However, it appears that these causes are not solely responsible for the "mysterious" bee mortality.

According to Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Ruzicka, author of various articles in beekeeping journals, extensive experience and surveys among beekeepers have shown that the reason for the exodus of bees can be attributed to electrosmog from high-voltage power lines and mobile phone masts. In practically all cases, the problems manifested themselves after transmitters were erected in the immediate vicinity of the beehives.

The fact is that bees - like migratory birds - use the earth's natural electrical and electromagnetic fields to find their way around. Scientific experiments clearly show that bee colonies exposed to microwaves have less brood, less honey and fewer combs. What is more dramatic, however, is that Fewer and fewer worker bees find their way back to the hive. They lose their orientation and get lost. Honey bees orient themselves to the earth's magnetic field using magnetic receptors integrated into their wings.

From July onwards, most bee colonies begin to starve, as practically nothing is in bloom. However, green manure such as mustard continues to flower even into December, and the bees are then dependent on acquiring the mustard pollen contaminated by poisoned soil. And this during the phase in which the bees should actually be resting. The massive bee colony die-off has been going on since around 2001 /2002.

Albert Einstein warned many years ago:

"If the bee disappears from the earth, then man has only four years to live; no more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more people." Perhaps this is an exaggeration? Personally, however, I clearly prefer not to take the chance!

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