In this section, I am pleased to present 60 medicinal plants that Mother Nature has made available to us for our personal well-being. Most of our grandparents and great-grandparents remember this very well, because when they were young, tending a natural garden was for their own well-being and, of course, for healing themselves.

I hope you enjoy wandering through our fields, forests and meadows and that you enjoy exploring the diversity of medicinal plants in our region.

>• Herba - I •<

* agrimony * onion * garlic * wild garlic * mallow * celery *
* angelica * arnica * wormwood * asparagus *

>• Herba - II •<

* Barberry * Beetroot * Hedgenettle * Birch * Wild thistle *
* Chicory * Lemon * Hazelnut * Hawthorn * Pumpkin *

>• Herba - III •<

* Horsetail * Wild strawberries * Ash * Gorse * Liquorice * Sunrose *
* Hops * St. John's wort * Walnut tree * Lavender *

>• Herba - IV •<

* Chamomile * Lemon balm * Bitter clover * Watercress *
* Origano * Wood sorrel * Parsley * Beans * Apples * Poplar *

>• Herba - V •<

* Oak * Raisins * Rose * Rosehip * Rosemary * Blackberry *
* Raspberry * Sage * Black elderberry * Potato *

>• Herba - VI •<

* Goldenrod * Dandelion * Thyme * Lime blossom * Couch grass *
* Nettle * Bilberry * Valerian * Mullein * Mistletoe *