Tachyon Light Portal

The inspiration for this object came to me when I was looking for a symbol that can help trigger resolution processes by harmonizing the cause of any problem on a subtle level. This symbol should then be applied to a new line of products and show the same interesting potential as our other BIOTAC Line© tachyon products that we have been offering since 1995.

In order to be able to present an object that is not only lightful and aesthetic we decided to make it with maple wood, walnut wood and crystalline silicon. Thanks to validated scientific studies it is now proven that without silicon a healthy development of our organism is impossible. Each NAΩS-Stele is individually handcrafted in our workshops. Therefore it is unique; like its future owners ;-)

Materials: pure crystalline silicon, base made with maple and walnut wood
Height: 160mm, width: 180mm

Potential / Effect

The designation NAΩS-Stele refers to the old Egyptian mythology. In ancient papyri Naos represents the dwelling place of the gods. In today's Greek the name Naos stands -for among other things-: Place of religious practice (temple).

Idea: The NAΩS-Stele is intended to create an energy field that illuminates the room in which it is located with the finest vibrations; vibrations that contain liberation as a basic theme. The NAΩS-Stele should help to let an oasis of peace blossom in the living and/or sleeping area. Furthermore, we can recommend this extraordinary object for persons and service companies who are committed to the well-being of man and nature.

Squaring the circle: impossible? Does not exist ;-)


At the beginning of our work we realized that only natural substances may be Tachyonized, since only they have a harmonious atomic structure.

For the NAΩS-Stele we use pure silicon, maple and walnut wood. Maple wood is the wood of the sacred tree of the Ani Tsisqua bird clan (one of the seven Cherokee clans). The Iroquois consider it the "honey of life". Maple syrup is not only sweet; it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that have been shown to be helpful in bacterial infections, diabetes and even cancer. The maple tree is the sacred tree of Ani Tsisqua. A log of maple wood is part of the sacred fire of this trunk. PS: sticks of maple wood are used to attract positive spirits.

Through Tachyonizing, we "awaken" the basic properties of the materials used. You can probably imagine exactly what this means in relation to the NAΩS-Stele.

Silicon: Our organism cannot do without this essential element under any circumstances, because silicon is a significant component of all organs, organ systems and tissues. Consequently, silicon plays a very important role in keeping the whole body healthy!

Maple wood: The leaves have a fivefold structure, which in turn represents our body. One structure for the head, two for the hands and two for the feet.


In order to take full advantage of the synergies associated with this extraordinary symbol, we offer two complementary tachyon products:

A) The NAOS*CARD, which may be called the actual "trigger button" for the Dharma/Karma ritual with which the underlying cause of the problem is to be harmonized

B) The NAOS-Talisman acts as a link between the card or the glass of water resting on the NAΩS*CARD, receives the information of the water and thus stimulates the body, mind and soul of the wearer.

I wish you much joy with this small light portal !

>• order a NAΩS-Stele in our WEB-Shop

>• next rubric: Channelling

>• Origin of the NAOS products
>• Implementation of the NAOS products
>• Application of the NAOS*CARD
>• Water crystal images of the NAOS*CARD
>• NAOS-Talisman
>• NAOS-Stele
>• Channeling