The Rainbow Igloo was the first polished geometric object to be coated with different metals in a high vacuum using a special process, giving it its characteristic appearance and making it shine in different colors depending on the incidence of light.

In the fall of 1997, after extensive radiesthetic and kinesiological analyses, I discovered that the potential effect of the Rainbow Igloo can be associated primarily with the topic of "protection". This wonderful tachyon product, which by the way is individually made by hand, is primarily used for protection during sleep. It creates a tachyon field that protects sleeping people from "unwanted" energies.

An absolutely outstanding and beautiful object, especially for toddlers and children who complain about bad dreams or "presences" that disturb them during the night.

I like to remember an interesting case that happened in the summer of 2009: a mother came into my shop late in the afternoon and wanted to buy some natural shampoo. As soon as she entered the store with her two children, the younger of the two ran straight up to the rainbow igloos on display and said gently but firmly: "Mom, I want that!" She asked the price and then told her son that this "thing" was too expensive. However, he stood rooted to the spot and could not be dissuaded from leaving the store without this glittering product.

On leaving the store, the mother turned around again briefly and asked me: "What is this product actually for?" "It's to give children protection while they sleep, especially children who suffer from nightmares," I replied. She looked at me, completely taken aback, and said: "My son has been suffering from nightmares for months and comes to sleep in our marital bed practically every night!".

The little boy's eyes (about 6 years old) then shone like little stars when his mother allowed him to take this little shiny "thing" home with him. As she told me later, he immediately felt much better: since then he has been sleeping soundly and has a stronger self-confidence.

The Rainbow Igloo can also be used to energize rooms (office, home, practice, etc.). Simply place it on the desk or next to/under the massage table or stick an Igloo to the ceiling. A pyramid-shaped arrangement of 5 Rainbow Igloos (place one Igloo in each of the four corners on the floor and stick the fifth one in the middle on the ceiling) noticeably increases the CHI in rooms! Negative radiation from outside (electrical smog from high-voltage power lines, transmitters, etc.) is largely harmonized.

An unusual but extremely effective Feng Shui product, available in two color variants: indigo/gold and yellow/linde green

Indigo blue is the healing color par excellence and should not be missing in any medicine cabinet, because this color is a helper in many situations. Indigo is associated with the forehead area, the "third eye", the pituitary gland. Indigo has the ability to awaken and strengthen intuition. In medicine, this color brings calm. Indigo blue calms fire, all kinds of inflammation, headaches, nerves, high blood pressure, the mind, simply everything.

Gold has represented splendor, wealth, abundance and wisdom since time immemorial. On a physical level, the color "gold" is associated with the small and large intestine, the nerves and also the skin. The region around the small and large intestine, located between the coccyx and solar plexus, is also the region of fear, the seat of anxiety. The queasy feeling in anxiety states is not found in the head, but around the navel.

>• select an indigo/gold Rainbow-Igloo in our WEB-Shop

Yellow is the brightest color in the rainbow spectrum and is associated with the solar plexus, also known as the solar plexus. It is associated with the entire digestive tract, stomach, spleen, gall bladder, pancreas and liver. This color has to do with joy. With unrestrained joy. Yellow helps people who suffer from constant stress, anxiety, insecurity and a lack of self-confidence.

The color lime green is often used when projects need to sprout or to get support for new beginnings. Interesting for people who hide their abilities and often think: "I can't do that". Also recommended for those who do not dare to be more successful and lead a hectic lifestyle.

>• select an yellow/green Rainbow-Igloo in our WEB-Shop

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