Keywords for the SILVER*CARD

menstrual cramps, menopause, sleep disorders, headaches, allergies, irritated skin, athlete's foot and skin fungus, chronic inflammation, ulcers, neurodermatitis, digestive problems, muscle cramps

The primary purpose of the SILVER*CARD is to revitalize water so that it subsequently has similar properties to colloidal silver. In the 19th century, colloidal silver was of great medical importance, but was increasingly forgotten over the years; colloidal silver is a kind of private clinic for everyone, a hospital for luggage.

The possible applications of colloidal silver have been described for several hundred pathogens (bacteria, viruses, etc.), while an antibiotic or antifungal agent is only effective against a small number of different germs! Colloidal silver is also known as a "second immune system" and as a natural antibiotic.

Carl Sigmund Franz Credé (1819-1892) had incidentally discovered that silver nitrate, even in a dilution of 1:1000, kills staphylococci, streptococci and even anthrax within five minutes! He was one of the first doctors to introduce hand disinfection with chlorinated lime as a protection against childbed fever. In 1888, the Swiss researcher Carl Wilhelm von Naegeli reported that bacteria died within a few minutes if he brought them into contact with silver.

Water vitalization

To revive drinking water, place the SILVER*CARD under a glass or under a carafe of fresh water.

You can leave the SILVER*CARD under the carafe all day and also overnight and refill it with fresh water from time to time.

More interesting facts about silver

It has been known for thousands of years that silver strengthens the thymus gland and has an anti-biotic and antimicrobial effect. It is no coincidence that many airlines and NASA use silver filters to treat drinking water. The precious metal silver has been used as a remedy for thousands of years. Even the ancient Egyptians produced fine silver leaf papyri and wrapped these "silver bandages" around open wounds to prevent infections.

In ancient times, Greeks and Romans kept drinks and food in silver-coated metal containers to keep them fresh. The Celtic druids also coated their metal vessels with a thin layer of silver on the inside. Alexander the Great transported drinking water in specially manufactured silver vessels during his long war campaigns. The food of the nobility was served on silver plates; they ate with silver dishes and drank from silver cups.

From the Middle Ages to modern times, farmers placed silver coins in the milk containers to delay the souring and thus the spoilage of the milk. Clever ;-)

Apart from the fact that silver water is healthier than "dead" tap water, it has been proven to strengthen the entire organism. The effect can be verified very well with a kinesiological muscle test.

Since time immemorial, pure silver has been associated with the physical vegetative functions of the body (blood circulation, heart activity, blood pressure, respiratory rate, body temperature and control of gastric juice secretion).

Silver in natural medicine

Silver strengthens the body, is anti-inflammatory and activates the body's self-healing powers. Incidentally, silver jewelry has been worn by women since ancient times to promote their fertility.

Historical facts about silver

The Swiss researcher Carl Wilhelm von Naegeli reported in 1888 that bacteria died within a few minutes when he brought them into contact with silver.The fact that silver strengthens the thymus gland and has an antibiotic and antimicrobial effect has been known for thousands of years.

It is no coincidence that many airlines and NASA use silver filters to purify drinking water. Interesting, interesting!

Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver was of great medical importance in the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, but over time it fell increasingly into oblivion.

In a way, colloidal silver is a private clinic for everyone, a hospital for your luggage. It is also referred to as a "second immune system" and a "natural antibiotic". The renaissance for colloidal silver has long since begun again. More and more people are turning to this effective method of treating infectious diseases with few side effects.

After all, the potential uses of colloidal silver have now been described for several hundred pathogens (bacteria, viruses and fungi), whereas an antibiotic or antifungal agent is only effective against a small number of different germs!!! Since the discovery of penicillin in 1928, thousands of different antibiotics have been researched: colloidal silver has been forgotten.

It was only when it was discovered that resistant strains of bacteria were developing to an ever-increasing extent, which could no longer be treated with even the most modern antibiotics, that the benefits of colloidal silver were gradually recognized.

Silver foil has long been used to treat wounds; this prevents excessive fluid loss and promotes tissue regeneration.

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Feedback * Gastric problems

On the occasion of a seminar lasting several days in Athens, I was greeted warmly at the airport by a seminar participant who gave me a big hug with the following words: "Thank you, thank you, thank you. You saved my life!"

Oops, what's happened, I thought to myself. "You saved my life!" the sporty gentleman repeated. "You can't imagine how well I feel now!" As the other seminar participants looked at me questioningly, I politely asked: "What are you thanking me so profusely for?"

"I bought a SILVER*CARD from your Greek representative in Athens a good three months ago because he advised me to try using it to treat the strep throat that has been making my life hell for months!"

He then continued: "As suggested, I only drank "silver water" every day and even bought myself a small goblet made of real silver, from which I then drank the energized water."

He has also changed his eating habits since then and is now in excellent health. As the medication he was prescribed did not have the desired effect, he had to find another solution. "I came across these Tachyon products during a visit to a trade fair and have been their biggest fan ever since!"

To be honest, I didn't want to buy the good man's story. However, it turned out in the following days of the seminar that he was telling the truth, as more people turned up on the second evening to confirm his story.

OK. Great ;-))

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